Austin Olsen
CCV Owner & Founder
Wow! How did I get here? I can tell you, it all started at a young age. Growing up in Ocala, most of my friends spent their summers outside playing baseball. Unbeknownst to me my sweet grandmother had other ideas and signed me up for a kids summer camp at the local civic theater (see pic 2). I was apprehensive and didn’t have any interest in art, dancing, drama or music, but my mindset changed very quickly and I took to the arts like a sponge. I eagerly began signing up for any extracurricular activity that involved performing. I loved an enthusiastic audience and the camaraderie of live theater.
My time in the theater led me to meet an amazing human being named Jim Warford. We worked together in the stage production of Carousel and he was so impressed by my performance that he invited me to transfer to the award winning video production and theater department at Vanguard High School. As a teenager, this can be an anxiety-ridden decision to transfer schools, however Jim’s enthusiasm sold me on the idea and I took advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunity.
At Vanguard, I never left the TV production studio and it quickly became a passion. I was given the chance to create great content considering this was just a high school video department. Vanguard gave me the opportunity to hone my skills and the school eventually led me to my first wedding gig with the help of fellow Vanguard Alum, Mike Sargent.
Mike ran a local video production company, Videotronics. I shadowed him at several weddings until he moved out of Ocala, leaving me left to mostly film friends at parties just for fun. Without a plan in mind, I ended up waiting tables and I loved interacting with people and mastering my communication skills. I began to take some college courses, but I really wanted to get back to being behind the camera. So finally with a dream and a Best Buy credit card I just went for it and purchased all the equipment I needed to get back into videography. I began filming anything I could: bands, events, my dog, etc. and eventually was booked for my first solo wedding gig. Hook, line and sinker, I found my calling.
Coastal Creations Video quickly became a reality and I have enjoyed every minute since. I absolutely love being asked to be a part of one of the most important days in a couples life. I’ve recently brought my father and best friend growing up into the mix to film alongside me and they also share the same stoke for video that I have. CCV has also branched out to other medians including promotional videos, event videos, real estate and stage productions. Let us capture your story!